Saturday, December 30, 2006


Went out featuring hunting for the paper and found this guy and myself ontop of the roof getting a different angle on things: Jack Manning, a local contractor works on securing the vinyl siding of a home using a nail gun in Avon which is part of a weeklong renovation on the home scheduled to finish by next Wednesday... Chances are I probably shouldn't have been so close to the line of fire...

Friday, December 29, 2006

Shadow of the cross

Driving on my way home from the video store this morning when I noticed this shadow on the side of this office buidling created from the sun hitting a telephone pole.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Coming to a town near you!

Dressed as Santa Clause Dale Martensen a Free Mason at the Montgomery Masonic Lodge in Milford passes by the wall of current and former Masons. Steeped in a 20-year tradition Martensen has been dressing up as Santa and delivering toys to young patients on Christmas Eve at Milford Regional Medical Center for the past 12 years since his inception into the organization. Although Martensen loves playing the jolly old fatman for at least one night out of the year he also says it's heart wrenching. "It's hard when you visit the elderly at the hospital because you know that you are the only person that will visit," said Martensen.

Last Minute

Jeremy wraps some last minute gifts for friends before his Christmas Party today.

Friday, December 22, 2006


Has anyone noticed how these little guys are being neglected and are just plain disappearing? I know I know who wants to pay a whole $1.00 to talk on the phone for a whole 5 minutes. It's probably really only a matter of time before the whole pay phone idea becomes, well, as elusive as say the 8 track player in your grandmothers basement, or say the atari 2700 collecting dust in the attic underneath the mound of forgotten homemade Christmas sweaters no one ever had the guts to throw away. Slowly but surely as cell phone use increases we will see the technological euthanization of many more pay phones to come.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas is coming...

Had to shoot several homes in the Milford area last night that won for best christmas light decorations... Good times

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


My friend Jessica's little boy Weston,14 mths, enjoys some O.J from his new sippy cup before brunch today. You can never go wrong with a cute kid photo in a nice pool of light.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

La Salette

I finally did it!

Hey there, so I've been thinking about trying out the whole blog thing. Not that I'm really into talking about myself, but I thought this would be a great way to show friends and family some photos I take in my daily travels. I'm going to try to post a photo a day of something, and we'll see if I stick to it. Most likely it won't be everyday because I'm not always into the photos I take... Another first for me today was to check out La Salette Shrine. They have their annual Christmas Lights Display all month, and thought it could be a good opportunity to take some pictures. I Came across this little girl saying her 28th prayer on the Prayer steps. She said her legs hurt a little after praying for about 10 minutes total saying a small prayer on each step with her mom behind her.